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CAN driver (Linux)

Installing CAN Driver on Linux

1. Check the Linux Version and System Type (32/64 bit)

Run the following command to check the Linux version and system type:

uname -a

From the output, we can see that the system is 64-bit

Linux erobman 6.5.0-rt5 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Wed Oct 16 10:34:26 
CST 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2. Copy the Corresponding USBCAN Driver Files to the System

After confirming the system type, copy the corresponding USBCAN driver files to the system.

(For this example, place the driver files in /home/eRob_CAN_driver/)

3. Get Administrator Privileges

To perform further operations, including installing the driver, acquire administrator privileges.

sudo su

(Enter the root password after the su command to gain admin access)

4. Copy Driver Libraries to the GCC Compilation Directory

Navigate to the USBCAN driver folder and copy,, and to the GCC compilation directory (default path is /usr/lib).

cp /usr/lib

Navigate to the GCC library folder and link to

ln -sv

6. Compile the USBCAN Driver

Go to the USBCAN driver folder and compile the driver.

cd /your_file_path/linux64

7. Run the Test Program

Run the test program to test USBCAN transmission.


If you encounter the following error, install the required library:

sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4

If you encounter the following error, install the required library:

error while loading shared libaries: cannot open share ....

You can fix it by :

sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4

After installation, run the test program again. If successful, the output should be as follows:

  • The first parameter 16:
    • Device type. For single-channel devices, input 3, for dual-channel input 4.
  • The second parameter 0:
    • Device index. Input 0 if only one USBCAN device is connected.
  • The third parameter 3:
    • Channel to open. Input 1 to open CAN1, 2 to open CAN2, and 3 to open both CAN1 and CAN2.
  • The fourth parameter 0x1400:
    • CAN bus baud rate. 0x1400 represents a 1000K baud rate. For other rates, refer to the "EcanVCI Dynamic Library Manual."
  • The fifth parameter 0:
    • Operating mode. 0 is normal mode. For other modes, see the "EcanVCI Dynamic Library Manual."
  • The sixth parameter 1:
    • Sending interval in ms.
  • The seventh parameter 1000:
    • Number of transmissions.

8. Connect the USBCAN Device

Use the lsusb command to see the connected USBCANI-V503.

To run the test (with admin privileges):

./test 4 0 3 0x1400 2 0 3 1000

9. Modify Udev Rules for Permanent User Access

To permanently grant regular users access to the USBCAN device, modify the udev configuration:

sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usbcan.rules

Add the following content (modify the values marked in red based on the USB's ID):


Reload udev rules and reconnect the device to apply the new permissions:

sudo udevadm control --reload

10. Recompile the Test Program

Recompile the test program with admin privileges, then run:

./test 4 0 3 0x1400 2 0 3 1000

The installation of the eRob driver is now complete.

11. Compile and Run the eRobCAN Test

Go to the linux_test folder, create a build directory, and compile the program:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

After compiling, you will see three executable files.

If the USBCAN device doesn't work, try reconnecting it and run the following command:

./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 00 00 00 00 01}"

If the return value is 0x3e, the command was sent successfully.

For CAN message commands, refer to the eRunner User Manual: Download link

12.Example (Velocity Mode)

Here is an example of sending commands in velocity mode:

./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 4E 00 00 00 02}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 12 00 00 00 00}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 FD 00 00 00 00}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 88 00 00 75 30}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 89 00 00 75 30}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 FE 00 00 27 10}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 00 00 00 00 01}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 08}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 05 00 01}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{00 02}"
./eRobCAN_sendCOB 0x641 "{01 00 00 00 00 00}"